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Gesslein Stroller F4 Air+ 設計式樣: 854854 · 2018

Gesslein's F4 Air+ is the all-round stroller that turns every trip with your little one into an exciting experience. The low weight, compact folded size as well as the long period of use of this trendy pushchair make it to the most convenient companion.

As soon as your little one is able to sit unaided, you can switch to the Gesslein stroller F4 Air+. When you combine the F4 Air+ with the Gesslein soft carrycot C1-Lift or the carrycot C3 (both items are not included in delivery; when using the C3 carrycot you need to get the basic adaptor in order to create an elevated position), you can transform the sturdy and compact aluminium chassis into a multi-functional stroller which is suitable right from birth and up.

Due to the Easy-Click system好康活動2018熱門商品 you can easily release the pushchair seat from the chassis and reverse it - that way, you can quickly supply your little one with a change of view. The extendable foot section can be cleaned easily and grows with your child. The five-point harness with soft pads as well as the play bar keep your little one well-protected so that every shopping trip or outing with the family is going to be an exciting but safe and secure highlight in the day of your child.

The loop seat insert with headrest which is another fab item included in delivery provides high seating and lying comfort for your little one. The seat insert is equipped with the hygienic cellpur mattress and features a summer side and winter side which can be reversed accordingly. The backrest can be adjusted multiple times until it reaches a recline position.

Tip: The wide range of Loop seat insert adds some more change and diversion to the F4 Air+. That way, you can switch between several trendy looks and thus turn the F4 Air+ into a stroller in your very own style.

Many other great functions make the F4 Ait+ stand out as a unique stroller: The large storage space for instance, which is provided by the bag built in the canopy or on the back of the seat unit as well as by the easy-to-reach shopping net. When it is hot outside, a sun shield as well as the canopy mode supply your little one with maximum sun protection while the detachable back part of the canopy including drop-out protection supplies him with optimum air circulation. The viewing panel built in the canopy makes sure that you can always have an eye on your little one.

The團購熱門商品網購人氣商品 flexible front wheels as well as the large EVA rear wheels with double ball bearing provide high riding comfort and fun on any terrain. The wheels as well as the suspension they feature provide a smooth run wherever you go. The wippmatic brake is particularly convenient and shoe-friendly. The low width of the chassis is perfect for manoeuvring the F4 Air+ through narrow passageways and alleys. Ultimate fun for young and old!

A comfortable and back-friendly position while pushing the F4 Air+ should be a matter of fact. Thus, this stroller features a modern and user-friendly kinking of the push bar that adapts perfectly to your height. You can also store the stroller in the boot of your car in a back-friendly and easy way. Due to the fact that the seat unit and the chassis can be stored individually, you only have to lift half the weight when storing these two parts.

Being mobile and active is one of the most important things for modern parents. The Gesslein F4 Air+ is a real all-round stroller. By using the respective basic adaptors (not included in delivery - available for infant car seats by Maxi-Cosi and Römer), you can easily transform the F4 into a convenient travel system. Simply click in the infant car seat and you are ready to go and see the doctors or else do some shopping without waking up or disturbing your little one.

Would you like to continue using your trendy and sturdy F4 Air+ chassis beyond your little one's babyhood? That is no problem! You can purchase a convenient buggy seat unit which also features a canopy and comes in various trendy colours as an accessory. That way, you can create an ultra-light pushchair with sublime suspension. Optionally, you can have your F4 Air+ equipped with a checking handbrake or else even a spare axle so that you can master even bumpy roads easily.

Please note: All accessory parts are sold separately and are not included in delivery!


  • Items delivered: chassis with pushchair attachment and loop seat insert

  • Including play bar rain cover and shopping net

  • Optionally with handbrake

  • Aluminium chassis/ for colour of chassis see images

  • Suitable from approx. 6 months and up, when combined with C1 Lift soft carrycot or C3 carrycot (not included in delivery) it is suitable from birth and up

  • Kinking of push for optimum height adjustment

  • Easy-Click system

  • Foot section can be extended and adjusted in height

  • Backrest can be adjusted until it reaches a recline position

  • Sun canopy function, drop-out protection, viewing panel, sun shield and low-noise canopy adjustment

  • Travel system when combined with infant car seat and by using a basic adaptor (not included in delivery)

  • Transformation to buggy with V3 buggy fabric parts (not included in delivery)

  • machine washable at 30°C in delicate cycle

  • Dimensions: lying surface 93 x 34 cm, height of push bar 90 - 113 cm, folded size: 72 x 57 x 31 cm, width of chassis: 58 cm

  • Weight: chassis 7,4 kg, attachment 5 kg

  • Fitting and sewn parts made in Germany




Gesslein F4 Air+ 兒童推車





洛杉磯超市驚傳槍手挾持人質 目前警匪對峙中

[新頭殼newtalk] 美國洛杉磯在當地時間21日下午驚傳槍手挾持人質事件。一名持槍歹徒開車遭到警方追捕,在撞車之後隨即衝進喬氏連鎖超市(Trader Joe's),疑似挾持店內人質,目前仍在與警方對峙。

根據警方表示,現場狀況混亂,警方與嫌犯是否有駁火仍待確認,遭挾持人數也尚待釐清,希伯利恩大道(Hyperion Avenue)與格里菲斯公園大道(Griffith Park Blvd)周邊暫時封閉,全力搶救人質。

Police pulled a woman from the car that led police on a chase starting in the Hollywood area. The driver barricaded himself inside a Trader Joes’ in Silver Lake, with multiple shots being fired at the scene. Live updates: https://t.co/TxoO6jcdJA pic.twitter.com/4AXtmh735B

— NBC Los Angeles (@NBCLA) 2018年7月21日

Watching Los Angeles possible hostage situation very closely. Active barricaded suspect. L.A.P.D. working with Federal Law Enforcement.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2018年7月22日

快訊/紐西蘭羽球公開賽 男雙、混雙挺進決賽!


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Gesslein F4 Air+ 兒童推車

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